By ELACTheaterArts (other events)

7 Dates Through May 15, 2022

ELACTRICITY, a student production, directed by Cristina Frías

Join us for a journey through theatrical time featuring Los Vendidos, a one-act play by Luis Valdez, founder of El Teatro Campesino and select scenes by Latins Anonymous, Latina Theater Lab, Ric Salinas (Culture Clash), Diane Rodriguez, Luis Alfaro, Marisela Norte, Sandra Muñoz, Alma Cervantes, Celina Martinez, Janine Salinas-Schoenberg, Lisa Ramirez, Kyla Pham, Noemi Vargas, Julia Chavez, Alberto Suarez and the ensemble.

On Saturday, May 7th, the show will begin at 3:00 pm.